Online accounting software

Sistema certificato secondo gli standard della normativa fiscale per l'emissione di fatture 'Con/Senza contanti' e 'Fatture Accompagnatorie'.

You know very well that self-employment requires passion, courage, motivation, and time ... a lot of time: BizleMe gives you your time back! You can have complete control of your business in the blink of an eye.

MANAGING receivables, invoices, costs and the warehouse is simple!

Your business in real time

  • BizleMe is the online management software to control your business from anywhere using a pc, smartphone or tablet.
  • It is easy to get started because BizleMe helps you with the configurations, and in a few minutes you will be ready to send your first invoice.
  • It is designed for professionals, you don't have to be an accountant to use it, all tasks are designed for you!
  • BizleMe was created to be simple! From a single page, invoice, collect, ship and much more


Invoices and receivables deadlines always under control in a simple and intuitive way.



Simple controls at your fingertips, you don't have to know accounting, you can focus on the things that matter.



You can create quotes and invoices and manage receivables at any time, from your PC, smartphone or tablet.

Some things designed for you

Our aim is to allow you to do difficult things with just a few clicks. Focus on your customers and rely on an online management software dedicated to your business.


Invoice in 3 clicks

Enter a new customer, create a new product and send the invoice. Everything in the same place


Cash-in in 2 clicks

Record receivables on different invoices and check the balance with two simple clicks


Always with you

No local installation, BizleMe is always with you! From your PC, Tablet or Smartphone


Quick quotes

With just a few steps, you can send a quote to customers, or do it together with them using a tablet or smartphone


Check your liquidity

In ogni momento puoi guardare il fatturato, i costi e la liquidità che hai, tutto in una pagina


Remember and request

BizleMe sa sempre quanto devi incassare e può
mandare email di sollecito in automatico


BizleMe was born in Italy from the idea of a team of professionals with experience in the software, marketing and accounting world and an ambitious goal: to support professionals and businesses in their business with a simple tool made for those who are growing their business every day.

The idea was transformed into the BizleMe project and the team expanded with an operating office in Albania adding experience, enthusiasm and ambitions.

The project took shape and became more focused, values that emerged based on our basic rules: make hard things simple and never settle for less than 100%. For this reason, it has an operational office in each country, to guarantee that customers get maximum proximity for support and functionality.

BizleMe is available for companies operating in Albania and will soon be available in Croatia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia and England

Warehouse management

rilascio modulo gestione magazzino semplificata

Payment management

Payment management  

Supplier documents and accompanying invoices

Gestione documenti fornitore e fatture accompagnatorie revisione brand e pubblicazione sito istituzione   .

Document transformation

con il modulo trasformazione documenti è possibile trasformare un preventivo in ordine e poi in fattura con pochi semplici click

Quotes and orders management

gestione preventivo e gestione ordine

Invoice Management: release of the invoice management module in 3 clicks

Gestione fattura accompagnatoria e immediata rilascio funzionalità di gestione incassi facilitata revisione interfaccia utente e semplificazione comandi  

Management of price list and multi-currency

sviluppo della parte dati e del framework di gestione delle funzionalità azienda sviluppo gestione listino prodotti gestione multivaluta  

BizleMe was born: the project started

Startup del team e design del Busness model

Join us!

Would you like to be part of the project?

You can request access to BizleMe for free!  Contact us and find out how to become part of our group


BizleMe is the online accounting software made for professionals and companies.

BizleMe © 2019. All rights reserved. BizleMe  s.r.l. – Piva 01833910704 – Via Altobello 3/A – 86100 Campobasso (CB) – Italy PEC: info@bizleme.com